Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bone Marrow--things I've learned

Hi it's Tara, Zena's Mom!!! I'm taking over her blog to hopefully educate some people and also spread the word about a bone marrow clinic going on tomorrow downtown.

Recently, I was on Craigs List and came across a post looking for help in planning out a charity event so I e-mailed the person and offered any assistance that I could give.

Come to find out this person was trying to put together a charity event to raise money for a family who's little boy is sick with a rare congenital disorder called Osteopetrosis.

This little boy needs a bone marrow transplant and the family has to travel to the University of Minnesota Amplatz Children's Hospital more than a few times.

I had no idea that a disorder could make you in need of a bone marrow transplant, I always thought that it was only cancer that was needed for. Well, you learn something new everyday.

This little boy's family keeps a blog going on all the details going on in his life and if you are interested in learning more go to: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/josephparthenais

From reading the blog I found out that to be listed in the bone marrow registry it could cost upwards of $100 or more to get tested through your regular doctor & insurance does not cover the test.

This is a great opportunity for anyone wanting to be tested. It's a swab in the mouth test so NO NEEDLES!!!! See details below, I'm going to get tested!!!!

There is no obligation to go, but I wanted to share it with everyone in case someone would like to do this.

Monroe Community College is hosting a free Bone Marrow Drive. It will be held on Wednesday November 4th from 10am - 3pm @ the downtown campus (Old Sibley's Building) & 10am - 4pm @ the Brighton campus. They are asking for a $1 donation per person. I have listed the information below. If you are tested, you will be enterted into the "Be a Match Registry". This is the registry used to find matches for people requiring bone marrow transplants, just like Joseph. It is a saliva swab that is used, so no needles!

Parking can be difficult, so be sure to bring quarters for parking meters, if you plan to attend.

Thank you for listening!!!


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